Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tidy Ribbons and Such...

Anyone who is a crafter knows about the amount of stuff you acquire in order to be well prepared for whatever inspiration or crafty conundrum may enter your day. Paper, embossing gun, yarn, ribbons galore, several types of glue, beads, stamps, glitter, fabric... just to name just a few. I recently attempted to downsize my numerous craft storage boxes and was immediately overwhelmed. So, I focused in on the area that seemed most chaotic: the tangled and severly intertwined, yet splendidly colorful, ribbons.  I hunted for a better form of containment and found a rectangular basket of my moms that wasn't really being used. Then I detangled, diligently, just like the good 'ol days when your yo-yo string got in a knot, times twenty... nine. My cat padded by pretending to be disinterested until it struck her that this was the best project ever and she became relentless in trying to participate. With little thanks to my cat, I ended up being quite pleased with the final result.

I had the brilliant idea of tying the smaller scraps of ribbon onto the handle of the basket to keep things somewhat orderly. Nice, right?

I got a little distracted after organizing the ribbon and my ever searching attention turned to color sorting the books on one shelf of my bookcase, yes, just one. I noticed of friend of mine had done this and I found it curious, so I thought I'd try it out. I've been undecided for about a week but I think I'm leaning towards... liking it! It looks orderly, wouldn't you say? My boyfriend pulls all his books out a bit so that the binds line up evenly, creating a smooth look. I think I'll try that next.

P.S. I got some little glow lights from IKEA. I think they give my room a romantic flair (wink).

Saturday, November 14, 2009

An Independent Saturday...

Oh Independence... how puzzling you are. My boyfriend has made plans on this pleasant Saturday that do not include clingy little me, so I have been forced to rely on my independent self and turn my focus to my much neglected To Do list. I started my morning (11:30am), quite hopeful, beaming in anticipation of all that would be accomplished. Now, several hours later, I have found that having no plans can leave me feeling a little... aimless. Here's how the day has gone so far: First, I decided to update my picture frames, several of which contain photos of people I no longer know. I sat on my bed and looked at them, each carefully placed around the room... and did some thinking... laying back on my bed, I listened to the neighbors loading their dogs into the car, then I looked at my nails for a while and picked at something irresistable on my arm. I then thought, man, it's dry out, so I put some lotion on my hands and eventually, I went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge, the selection was disappointing. Then I decided I should sew. I sat at my sewing desk (one of my favorite places) and I admired its amenities, my magnet board with the colorful little magnets, my stylish french colonial lamp; I acknowledged the aesthetic way my sewing supplies were set out on the table. I decided to add to the ambiance so I lit some candles, then thought, this might be a nice photo for my blog, so I took some pictures. Then I uploaded the pictures on my computer, after which, I went through some from the last couple months and deleted a few blurred or particularly unattractive shots, and made a mental note to post and print certain ones. Then I closed my lap top... I sat. I looked at my curtains, I noticed a pile of dead bugs at the bottom of my window sill, probably the remains of some spiders eatery, I corrected my posture and gave several moments of worry to the dowager's hump I fear is looming in my future. I inevitably returned to my slump and looked at the pictures I had pinned up on the wall above my desk and read the fortunes I had kept from past fortune cookies. I contemplated my chipped toe nail polish and finally, I got up, went into the kitchen, looked in the fridge and reconsidered its contents. Being independent is a lot harder than I thought.